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How to create a rule

Creating a rule in PMS V2 allows your restaurant to automatically generate reservations for in-house guests based on criteria such as meal plans. This guide walks you through the process.


Navigate to the PMS settings in aleno:

  • Go to three dots
  • Click “Settings”
  • Go to “Integrations”
  • Click “PMS”

Create a New Rule:

  • Click the "Create Rule" button

💡 Create one rule for each “dinner event”. So if you want to automatically create reservations both for breakfast and for dinner, you would create a “breakfast” and a “dinner” rule.

    Configure the Rule:

    Configure the following mandatory parameters:

    • Mealplan: Choose for which mealplans (e.g. rateplan codes, products, and so forth) you would like to create a rule

    💡 You can assign multiple mealplans to one rule, so you don’t have to duplicate rules.

    • Restaurant: Restaurant in which reservations automatically will be created for this rule
    • Shift: Shift reservations will automatically be created in.
    • Time: Start time of the reservations.
    • Days of Booking: on which days of a booking reservations should be generated. For example:
      • For a breakfast rule this could be “all but arrival”
      • For a dinner rule this could be “all but departure”
    • Reservations status: autocreated reservations will be created with this status.
    • Name: give a name to the rule to keep the overview between the different rules.

    💡 Please note that while aleno can use the data from your PMS to create reservations according to the rules you set, it does not have access to specific details about the package conditions within your PMS.

    For example, if a guest's package only includes one dinner during their stay, aleno won't automatically know this. So It is crucial that your configured rules in aleno reflect these conditions accurately.

    Save and Activate:
    • Review the rule settings.
    • Click "Save" to store the rule.
    • Activate the rule to start generating reservations based on the defined criteria. You can also activate the rule at a later moment.